Check my availability to ensure that I am available on your wedding day. If I am not available on your wedding day, you can still contact me for references to other excellent photographers.
For budgeting and information purposes only, you can download my quotation from the link below.
Download: Petrus Saayman Wedding Photography Quotation
The quotation document contains all the information regarding my packages as well as my terms and conditions. It also contains instruction of how to secure a booking.
by Petrus
Rachel Ojwang - Hi there, my extended family is coming over for Christmas at the end of the year and it will be the first time we will all be together so we are looking into doing a family photo shoot. Could you please provide us with a quotation and the latest that we could do it as I know most of the family is arriving on the 19th December 2014 but this might coincide with your Christmas plans. Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Rachel.